So why bring this up now? Well all these lovely spanking bloggers knew where to find clips and samples of the spanking work I did do and I am very excited to be able to share it with you over the next few weeks.
I am going to go through a website at a time. We are starting with Now I will be honest and say I got a little bit confused when trying to link scenes to sites as some spanking producers work for several - sorry in advance if I am getting any links wrong.
So I actually shot these scenes back in January 2011 - check out this old blog entry for details. The second 'punished to get the devil out of me' scene is one I have mentioned several times now and I was so happy to finally find a trailer for it today - although I am of course gutted that it is not longer or indeed the whole thing. If you enjoy the same head play things I do I really recommend going and watching that scene!
So we will begin at the beginning with my pre spanking interview. As I am incapable of lying to you guys I will begin by instantly tell you that yes I had obviously done spanking work before I did this, that line was fed to me as something they required. Every other word is true though.
"Masie has a hangover and is struggling to get up. Her mum comes in to a pigsty. Masie tells her that its her room and to fuck off. Miss Masie with her potty mouth makes it worse by accusing her mum of lesbian fantasies and cursing at her.
After an arse reddening handspanking, Masie continues to smart off and gets repeated doses of the hand and the strap."
As I said in my blog at the time this scene just didn't end! Every time she was ready to stop Id cheek her again and she'd had to hit me again. This was only supposed to be a five minute scene oops. We both enjoyed it though and I think both felt better for having vented at each other.
As I am quite a light spanking model (up to paddle is erotic for me but I cant take anything harder) I tend to get paired with girls who love the works. In the bellow scene I get my ass spanked while my poor friend gets canned and all sorts (it was her idea after all to go drinking )
So this is where things get confusing, to view this video you need to go to Spankingonline. I think this is a general site that house lots of content from all over. I shot this scene when I did all the scenes for Britspanking so have included it here. The exciting thing (for me at least) is that these scenes have only just released. I haven't been able to find lots of the scenes I did for them so there should be lots to come.
My this is turning out to be a long post! Ok will do this site over two posts thinks me but I will leave you with the oh so meger hint as to why this is my favourite spanking scene to date.
"Masie Dee begins to play with herself curiously and then masturbates with a vibrator and takes a nap. Masie's father comes home to find her asleep and then finds the vibrator.
As a strong Christian family he does not believe that a woman should be pleasured until marriage and is worried the devil is at work in Masie.
Masie is made to strip down and given a hard hand thrashing on her arse until the evil is run out of her!"
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