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Seats In The Luxury Box

"Look Sissy," my wife said, "My boss gave me a ticket for the championship game. I can't go but I want you to have it."
"Thanks honey but you know I'm not a big sports fan..."
"It's a seat in the Corporate Luxury Box, it's a big deal that I got this ticket. Not everyone get's a bonus like this. I don't want to upset him by not using it."
"But won't he be looking for you then, I mean I won't even know anyone there..."
"I already told him that you were going instead and he said that was fine with him. I really would love to go but I'm swamped with work and I'll be at my desk all night."
"Well OK I guess if it's that important to you, who knows maybe I'll learn something about the game."
"Oh there's one more thing, the security team is expecting a woman so to avoid any problems make yourself pretty before you go."
"You want me to go dressed as a woman, I don't know if I can do that..."
"I'll help you with your makeup, you'll be the prettiest woman there. My boss says that you might even get a chance to meet some of the players."
"But I...."
C'mon Kaaren, let's pick out a nice outfit for you."

The game did little to interest me in sports and it turns out I got to meet quite a few of the players. It was a pretty wonderful night. If only she had removed the cage but then I don't think any of them had any use for my little clit anyway.

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