A big thank you to my much loved part time stalker for letting me know that some of my latest 'hairy' pictures and videos have been published.
For the making of go here !
We shot loads that weekend so keep an eye on this site as there is more to come. The trailers are shockingly terrible but I can promise that the videos themselves are good - I know I was there!
At the end of the weekend we did a video in the kitchen sink. While playing with all the water my imagination kicked in and I came for the very first time while thinking about peeing! I know I was shocked to, didn't think that was even nearly my bag.
Here are some sample pictures if you want to see more please check out the site - here x
These were all taken before my latest weight loss/ get in shape drive and I am happy to report that I can see a difference - getting rid of all that hair was probably a few notches on the scales !
Ok so there is also a new scene gone up on the Masie Dee site. I think I have talked about this before but in brief I have no control over this site what so ever, its just my name and face. At the time I was paid for ever scene I submitted and they still have quite a lot of good stuff they are currently sat on. The thing that upsets me slightly (and what is stopping me from endorsing said site) is that they do not update regularly. If I tell people to join a site for a set amount a month I would expect that they would get a set number of content per month and as it stands that isn't that case right now. That said I will keep trying to sort this out with the owners as I am proud of alot of the videos I sent them.
You can check that out here
In other news - I made my very first omlette this week EVER! Was a complete success, I ate it last night and am yet to be ill!
Poppy is still not back to normal but has had a few ok days amongst the bad so we will see. My mum has sent a care package for her this week so fingers crossed it arrives on Monday.
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