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I promise I won't go all - 'follow your leader we can save the world' on you but something I have just seen has made me want to ask you for help. I will stick a link to the full article bellow but in short the government are meeting in January with Internet providers to ask them to block all pornography automatically in the UK. You would be able to call your provider and opt-in, but there are rumors you may have to do it on a per site basis which will be a pain and will defiantly affect the industry one way or the other.

But more important is the simple fact that the government will be telling you what you are allowed to see and that's not right, how do you know when you are opting in that they are giving you access to everything, your environment will be monitored.

This is an invasion of privacy and the top of a potentially slippery slope - in fact more worryingly its probably at least 1/8 of the way down the slope as we have inadvertently lost so much already. A parents or legal guardians job is to care for their children which is why good Internet blocking software should be provided by all providers FREE of charge. But they have no right to limit the Internet in anyway even if you can opt in to be allowed to view. The kind of parents who expose their children to porn almost certainly neglect them in many other ways and also expose them to violent films games and countless other things that do damage, getting rid of the Internet porn bit wont help protect them.

What next, does the government block all bomb making sites and terrorism sites, no one can argue that that wont help society what normal person needs to know about that ? It will just help to protect us.
Then maybe some of the controversial theorists can go as they incite hatred- we only want to keep the public safe.

What worries me is that people will be reluctant to protest on this one as by standing up against this they will be labeled as pro porn sex obsessed perverts and who wants to openly protest against something that protects little children - think of the children!

I sent the following letter to my mp and I suggest you do the same. I am also forwarding it to Ed Vaizey, - Attention of Ed Vaizey, enquiries@culture.gov.uk. He also takes questions for a video response each month, especially send objections in the form of a question to - askedvaizey@culture.gsi.gov.uk.

Dear Ms Reeves,

I'm writing to you as I am alarmed by Ed Vaizey's plans to restrict certain Internet sites as standard practice throughout the UK, even if there is an opt-in clause openly available. I agree that children should not be exposed to pornography but feel that it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure this and would suggest that the government speak to Internet providers to ensure they offer a free Internet block should customers require it. It worries me that government would consider restricting the Internet despite speaking out against countries like China monitoring what its citizens are able to access. I believe that should this go ahead it will make it easier for further restrictions to follow under the banner of 'protecting the public' (the same sentiment that spawned America's draconian Patriot Act).

I would be grateful if you could advise me on how I can pursue this matter further and would be interested to learn your views on the subject.

Yours sincerely,

- you need to put your name address and contact at bottom or they don't read them.

 Sorry if this is a bit pushy of me and I know some of you only come here for the sexy updates, I promise more will go up very soon but asking you guys is the only way I think I can help and even if only a few of you have time to write it might help.

Heres the link to the article - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/all-internet-porn-will-be-blocked-to-protect-children-under-uk-government-plan/story-e6frf7k6-1225973481287
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