Hello fun people its sleepy Masie. I have just flown back in from Amsterdam and here are the meager bits of footage I managed to glimpse. As always I have been a bit rubbish and missed all the good bits as I was to busy enjoying them at the time but it gives you a quick taste of what I have been up to.
I had an early but event free flight and even managed to catch the right tram if not quite to the right stop to save me the 20 minute walk to the office. For day one I did a big solo scene and a double I'm. A double I'm is where two girls masturbate next to each other (I have already done one of these with Satine is you want to go back an few posts). I worked with a lovely blond girl and we whizzed through the morning.
The afternoon had been set aside for my solo in which I had forgotten that my mother was coming to visit meaning I had to straighten my kitchen so it was tidy for when she came and I get distracted. While washing up I spill water on my top so have to take it off and put it in the dryer, then I decide to use the washing up brush on my boobs and in my pussy before randomly trying to climb into the washing basket. Now those who are easily freaked out stop reading here and start watching the videos.
I inconveniently came on my period on the flight over. This isn't typically a problem in porn as we just put a sponge in and keep going. However the end of the washing brush had a mini plunger on it so it would stick to the side and stand up right when not in use. This extra suction caused some blood to come out while I was on the floor. Amy thought that was amazing so we used the end of the brush to make bloody stamps all over my body which was strangely fun. The taste was also quite interesting not to horrible, kind of metallic. We aren't sure if these pictures will make the final cut, she has to check on legality but it was something I have never ever done so I thought I should share it with you.
Yay looked who I slept with today!!! I had a strangely satisfying nights sleep as the radiator was set on hot, keeping me warm and cozy while the open window provided a constant cooling breeze. It was like a fan on a warmn summers evening. The only English speaking tv channel was the Disney channel, which has been hi jacked by polished, blond, American children, all skipping school and either wizards or band/hotel owners. I now only have eight brain cells left.
I had been told on Monday that I was going to be working with a feisty, blunt Romanian who liked it rough, so was both interested and eager to meet her. Marina is amazing. She is crackers and had us all in stitches but she is also one of the hottest girls I have ever met. Her eyes almost turned black when she was turned on and it drove me crazy. I even had strange butterfly's in my tummy before we shot, while I was being prepped by Amy and Michell about what I was hoping for sexually. The scenario was that we are flat mates and I am talking to her while she has a shower and start taking sneaky peeps of her around the door before touching myself. She catches me and drags me still clothed into the shower, where we start the sex. As I have said before, Abby Winters are very thorough and normally spend a great deal of time asking me for extra positions etc to make sure nothing is missed and this takes a long time. Today they could almost have not been there we just went for each other, really enjoyed it and especially on the video not a word was said. Some of the pictures went straight up on the site and this scene will also be going straight onto dvd as they said it was a really good one. I honestly enjoyed every second of this it was a great pairing and she had me under her spell the whole time.
Sorry about the side ways nature of this video. x x
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