It snowed on Friday so of course I heading out into the elements this weekend armed with my new sexy Christmas underwear (thanks Fran's you're amazing) and a Santa clad Poppy to take some pictures!
Today I have had to start paying to host my blog as I have officially published 1Gb of pictures! If you include all the videos I have on here I wouldn't be surprised if I started getting angry letters from porn pay sites!
When I started this blog it was with low expectations. Till this point I had never completed a personal diary for more than four consecutive months and I hadn't even named my computer!
I had no idea I'd still be here nearly 3 years on nor that I would get the huge number of readers or indeed actual followers - 101! Thank you so much for your interest, encouragement, wit, gifts and presence.
My final news for this weekend is that my house search is entering into critical week next week so if you have time please send some positive thoughts in my direction especially on Monday between 11-4. xxxxx
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» Let it snow let it snow let it snow
Let it snow let it snow let it snow
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 9:50 AM
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