Hello lovely people, I am so sorry you ended up without a blog update last week. I have a very exciting new project (I will be telling those of you who haven't already found out next weekend) but the knock on effect is that I have updated my editing software.
We are now officially in HD. Well that's not strictly true as blogger couldn't cope with the file size but the original video of the video above was most certainly top quality! The down side to that has been that it has taken me all week to work out how it all well works.
So other than editing and opening lots of incredible gifts and doing yet another secret project what have I been doing?
Well this week has been great at abbywinters as it's snowed!!! I loved riding to work the first day. I was late as after Poppy rocketed outside for her morning piddle she had wanted to play in the snow - she loves chasing snow balls. The snow had fallen over night so the roads were uncleared when I set off, meaning that despite one slip off my bike ,I felt I had achieved something when I arrived at work and was satisfied all day. At lunch time we headed out and had a big snow ball fight. Bellow you can see me with abbywinters models Misha, Kylie H, and Izzy.
As well as working for the company ensuring lots of new sexy videos happen .we have all been in them. Follow my link at the top right of my blog to see us all in action.
Finally this week I ticked something off my bucket list (I hate that phrase but, 'Things to do before I die list' doesn't have the same ring to it)...
I stopped a fight !
I have always wanted to do this, both for the adrenalin rush and because it's a morally praised thing to do - who doesn't like to be held up as a good person and praised?!
I try to live my life as Edith Piaf would advise but one of my few regrets comes from my final year of high school. Walking up the drive way from school with a friend, we became aware of a scuffle turning into a school yard fight at the end of the road. Our first instinct was to run towards it but after moving to we hesitated and just looked on. Now I am sure if the fight had continued we would have run to help but a passing motorist stopped and the opportunity was gone.
So, on Wednesday night I was cycling home when I was cut up by a man in his late 30s. He was on a beat up moped that was chucking out lots of black smoke. He proceeded down the road stopping to hurl abuse at a young female cyclist, as she hadn't risked cycling on the none gritted part of the path so he could pass immediately.
I kept well back but when he passed a very tall young man (in his early 30s, good hair) and again found fault in how the person moved aside for him. He slowed down and started to swear in dutch. He eventually looked like he was done and turning down a side street but he was instead doubling back on the tall man so that he was behind him again. The older man then started to kick the back tyre of the cyclist.
Suddenly the tall man throws down his bike and puts his fists up. Both start to scream at each other in Dutch. So I cycled up to them and in my calmest most English voice I asked the to calm down and please stop. I was tiny in a white coat, pink hat and matching mittens, no real threat especially as I didn't have my flip camera on me. But they stopped! There was quite a crowd by the end as we were blocking the cycle path but no Dutch speaking person came to help me they just watched and I felt great!
Have a great week guys, I move house on Wednesday so I may not have access to the Internet for a few days but I will be back as soon as I am able to share my good news.
Masie xx
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