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All about Atkins

I have come to the conclusion that the Atkins diet doesn't work how it says it does. The theory behind Atkins is that you switch the bodies usual fuel from carbs and sugar to fat, by stopping all other food intake. This forces the body to instead use all the unwanted fat on your body for energy.

But I have my own theory.

In phase one you can pretty much just eat meat and eggs, with a tiny amount of veg. In this phase we learn to hate meat and get fed up of eating in general. You strangely learn to love vegetable as that's the only accompaniment you can have to break up all that meat! Plus cooking meat takes time and effort so when ever you are hungry, you have to decide if you can be fagged - thus teaching yourself - self discipline!

In phase two you are allowed to add nuts and fresh fruit! Never has fruit seemed so tempting and wonderful a treat - cleaver doctor Atkins has now trained you to crave and want fruit, something that is in fact very healthy.

In phase three you can add brown rice and pasta - the healthy pasta. After all that meat these additions will blow your mind and will taste amazing! The extra time whole wheat rice and pasta take to cook will no longer put you off after all the time spent cooking meat! Converted.

By this point you are allowed to add your other carbs (potatoes brown bread etc) but all the work has been done. You no longer care to eat and when you do you are now trained to eat the healthy diet all the food experts say you should be on. This is very funny as most dietitians are very wary of Atkins as they think it promotes a very unhealthy fatty diet of meat but in fact he is working to the same goals they are, a healthy balanced diet - he just tricks you there. Its a bit like fathers who make their kids smoke till they are sick to put them off !

Today's blast from the past (as requested by a certain co star) is  My Sisters a Slut, for Pumpkin Media.

Sigh another company that cant spell my name correctly, how hard is Masie?
I shot this last year and it took for ever! It was during a huge bulk of hairy work and I was called in last minute to fill in. Well the first stud picked up his cloths and left with out another word as soon as he saw my hairy snatch (I  was a bit hurt) and the replacement guy was brand new and couldn't stay hard for more than 20 seconds at a time, despite the producer pumping him with enough Viagra to erect a sky scraper. In the end Matt was called in and he did a good job despite having flu (he did look  rough) and having already done some cum shots that morning.

Matt has kindly provided me with the big picture and I found the preview strip online.

So there ya go another scene for you all to go and check out. I like the back story behind this series, its like the gate way to incest (by which i mean the fantasy of insets not the real thing).

Oh and hello 45! thanks for joining us. A quick word to all the people who read but don't comment on here, I have now made it so you can also leave messages, comments etc under my posts here anonymously and I would love it if you did. x
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